A632.7.3.RB - Collaborative Decision Making Reflect on the role of collaboration and getting to resolution in the process of decision-making. Rarely, if ever, do our decisions affect only ourselves. Consider the importance of getting other stakeholders involved; how can they help you make a better decision for all? Recall a specific situation where you are faced with deciding; within the context of the information in this module’s reading, describe the process you went through and the outcome you were seeking. How did stakeholder involvement help you make a better decision? If stakeholders were not involved, could they have been? Would that have led to a better resolution? Did you achieve your objective(s)? Identify 3 ways you may use this learning experience to make better decisions in the future. Managing Stakeholders: Too Many Slows Progress, Too Few Stifles Objectives I was the lead instructor for CommutAir own by United Airlines. We had a student that wa...