Framing Complex Decisions
Describe the 3 different tools or approaches for
dealing with complex, multiple stakeholders, and environmental decision
processes in your organization. Reflect on changes or alterations you would
consider ensuring the most successful process possible. Describe the elements
in detail and make clear the available options and consequences.
But bring the right people and the right process
together, and you’ll win every time, (www.forbes.com).
At Worldwide Jet our top managers are always trying to
get the edge on the competition. They do this by efficient strategic decision
making and by shifting the competitive advantages relative to other competitors
and the market being served. The company recognizing that strategic thinking
can no longer be limited to identifying promising industries, core
competencies, and strategic positions.
Describe the 3 different tools or approaches for
dealing with complex, multiple stakeholders, and environmental decision
processes in your organization.
1. Building the information base
2. Identifying constraints
3. Strengthening organizational capabilities
1. Building the information base
At Worldwide jet we believe that teams outperform
individuals and that teams do better
We all know that teams outperform individuals. Teams
do better not only because they put more people to work on a task, but also
because their diverse skills and perspectives have a multiplying effect.
Smaller teams work well for this company, it keeps us more organized, involved,
and productive. I believed that a great team should fill the right roles, get
input from separate members and share perspectives, because decision teams have
the power to widen perspectives., and to communicate the what 's and why's.
2. Identifying constraints
Clarifying decision rights and responsibilities also
improved the organization’s ability to track individual achievement, which
helped it chart new and appealing career-advancement paths. A brilliant
strategy, blockbuster product, or breakthrough technology can put you on the
competitive map, but only solid execution can keep you there. You have to be
able to deliver on your intent, (www.forbes.com). The company must always know their
limits and constraints, and this will improve the decision making. These
boundaries may include, aircraft, time constraints, money, repairs, manpower, whatever
it might be you have to consider all these factors.
At Worldwide jet we will never second-guess.
3. Strengthening organizational capabilities
At Worldwide Jet, we have employed and brought into
very sophisticated DSS systems and software to analyze the firm's databases and
turn them into information useful for decision makers. From my understanding of
what this DSS can translate raw data into a form useful for decision support.
Many decisions must be made in the absence of complete information. At this
company we have to forecast for the future on buying equipment and hiring
personal. Decision makers can sometimes clarify the problem they are working on
by listing what could happen and assigning probabilities to each possible
outcome (a formal representation of this is known as a decision tree),
Risk Management
At Worldwide Jet we take risk very seriously and it
can affect sound decision making.
Risk is the potential that a decision will lead to a
loss or an undesirable outcome. In fact, almost any human decision carries some
risk, but some decisions are much riskier than others. Risk and decision making
are two inter-related factors in organizational management, and they are both
related to various uncertainties, (link.springer.com).
Hoch, S., Kunreuther, H. (2001). Wharton on making
decisions. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
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